Types of worms in humans: the first symptoms are when you get

Every day, infected with worms in both adults and children, as appropriate, you may defend yourself, but it is not. Therefore, in order to gain a clear understanding of what we do have is the motor, you should get to know their different types. Once again, that is only the correct identification of helminth ova, then you can take him down.

In this article, You will learn about: what are the human vermin are, where you can pick up the characteristic signs of the invasion. Take care of your health, and keep in mind that it Has one.

types of worms

The human not-for — ranking

Helminths (worms) – a huge class of parasites worms living in the body of the people, animals, and plants. Helminths, parasitic worms that they feed to the internal resources of the organism, the host, will not only weaken the health of the body itself, but also to contribute to the development of other diseases associated with it.

Interestingly, however, nearly one out of every two people – the holder of one of the species of the helminths, and does not suspect about it, even that is not a manifestation of the complications, or do not, there will be a further examination. Depending on the climatic zones on the territory in a different continent, living in different worms.

Also the helminths are classified in accordance with the method of transfer of the body to the body.

  • bio-helminthes, including that of the animals;
  • communicable diseases are transmitted from one person to the patient;
  • geo-helminths – the larvae are then stored in the soil.

When you hit the maggots in the body, they can move through the body with a stream of the blood and depositing in the body. Much more frequently than helminths settle in different areas of the gut. The rating for the arrival of the parasites:

  1. While helminths will be placed in the hollow of the body.
  2. The tissue, which are located in the body's tissues.
  3. Others may live in the hollow organs, and in the thickness of the fabric.

In the wild, there are about 250 species of helminths. For each and every one of them, it is necessary that certain conditions for the existence and development. Worms vary in size, shape, and other visible signs.

The classification of these parasites has not yet been formed, and is not approved for use by the scientists.

The separation of the purposes of the land base will also take place to be in. This fact makes it more difficult for the rank of parasite. In the countries of mid-latitude weather, you can count on more than 20 different species of helminths, which are divided into three groups, depending on the look of the form:

  • Round ancilostomídeos);
  • Tape, (cestodes);
  • Smooth (trematodes).

The ancilostomídeos, and trematodes of the nature of the tape worms. The human body is the ideal environment for the breeding and growth of worms and Ascaris. It also occur on a regular basis, and Trichinella. The cestodes belong to the optimists, and the flesh of pigs, rats, apni, is a large tapeworm.

The types of worm in human worm parasites (ancilostomídeos)

Another name for these worms – the ancilostomídeos. This type of worm is thought to be the most common. They are characterized by a round body in cross-section. The length of the body from the different types of worms may vary – from 5 mm to 40 cm in height.

types of worms in the body

For the life of them, they will usually choose your gut in, but enough to migrate through the body of the host, and it can be in other organs.

The wide spread of the nematodes, due to the fact that the infection is very easy to do. The intermediate host is not necessary, and they are transmitted from an infected to each other. Also, once you can develop when you eat unwashed fruits or vegetables. It is for this reason that, the infection with these worms is peculiar to the children, because they have a tendency to break the rules of good hygiene.


Pinworms – the representatives of the barrel are circular in shape, with a length of about 2 inches. They are found in both adults and children. Settling down in the small intestine and develop from a larval stage to an adult for 2 weeks. Pinworms that cause the disease enterobiasis.

Infection, Enterobius, it is manifested by an inflammation of the wall of the intestine, violated, digestive processes, toxins, and the worms that cause local bleeding. The disease manifests itself at night and the itch in back pass. The itch: to cause a female to lay eggs.

Getting Enterobius, not only when they come into contact with the common, with a person who is hiv-positive, but also vegetables in the garden, (eggs are retained in the soil), the roaches and the flies, they carry the eggs of intestinal worms. When the enterobiasis women are parasites, they can cause inflammation of the organs in the body. Also the fire and the scratching, which leads to the Cuff.

The dolls

The guinea-worm – worm parasites, growing up to 40 cm in height and have a diameter of about 6 inches. Eggs of Ascaris if you get in touch with with the soil can store for about a year prior to entering into a favourable environment for their development. When the larvae roundworm enters the body and it is the media that is beginning to grow, it stands out all the toxins that affect the lungs and the liver.

The larvae travel throughout the body and reaches the blood vessels and can cause outbreaks of inflammation. Based in the gut, and they live at the expense of the content. For the day may be delayed a couple of thousand eggs.

Due to the considerable size of the dolls in search of food, you can go to the product site, the bile ducts of the liver, causing inflammation of the gut can get into the esophagus and block the airway. It is called a disease, such as ascaris.

Find the dolls on the body, it can be recognized by the symptoms.

  1. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  2. With the onset of fatigue.
  3. Diarrhoea, red blood worms in the stool.
  4. An allergic reaction.

The dolls are the property of rolling up into a ball, and when this occurs, an obstruction of the bowel, and, as a consequence – peritonitis.

The genus meloidogyne

The next representative of the vermin that is in the genus meloidogyne. Its length is 5 cm. It's different in an unusual way – for the main part of the fine, and a small portion of the high–. The presence in the body of the human whipworm can cause trihozefalez.

The existence of the body, whipworm takes trichocephalosis and shows its symptoms.

  • abdominal pain, decreased appetite;
  • the diarrhea is replaced with the prison of the body.
  • at times, it is the impurity of the blood in the stool;
  • iron-deficiency anemia.


This type of worm lives in the stomach of dogs, and the feces, and the eggs fall to the ground. Furthermore, a parasite that is similar to the Ascaris, but it grows only to 15 inches. The life cycle of this parasite, goes in exactly the the body of the dog, so it's going in a positive environment than to a human, the larvae will die, but there's no time to be hurt.

Beat, the muscles, the liver, the lungs, the heart, the tissue in the eye, the brain, that develops the disease toxocariasis.

The activity of the larvae in the body that is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • with the increase of temperature.
  • an increase in the lymph nodes and the liver;
  • eruption of the skin;
  • infiltrates in the lungs;
  • shortness of breath, a dry, wheezing cough;
  • the rape of the mind, and convulsions);
  • a blood test will reveal the presence of eosinophils.

To confirm the diagnosis can be made by scraping the affected area of the skin, and the examination of the blood for antibodies and a biopsy of the liver.


In this case, the infection occurs through the skin, or by ingestion of the larvae. With the blood, they can be found in the heart, lungs and the heart, but to the small intestine. They have been living for about 4 years, causing ancylostomiasis. Your symptoms may include:

  1. With the fever.
  2. An increase of the salivation.
  3. Eosinophilia.

The symptoms of the disease occur in the construction phase of the infestation, since the body is building up a large number of worms. The initial stage is different in asymptomatic in the chain, failing to detect the disease is prevented.

Flatworms (cestodes)

If you study all of the varieties that are found in humans, worms, and the worms, and they are among the most dangerous. The main risk that is associated with the size, since it is this kind of parasite can reach a length of 18-m.

Because of this, the effect on the human body is very unfavorable. The full circle of life from the turn of the master. A part of the worms living in the body of the livestock, from which they pass on to the people.

In a large, cosmopolitan

In a large, cosmopolitan reaches 10 feet in length. Through a crack in the head, attached to the surface of the intestine. The human body goes into the rough, and the fish of the fresh water in the form of larvae and fully developed in a month's time.

They are symptomatic of the presence of the parasite in the body it manifests itself like this:

  • beriberi deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid;
  • vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea;
  • disturbances of the functions of the gastro-intestinal tract;
  • the exhaustion of the body.
  • with the increase of temperature.

This is a parasite feeding by absorption of nutrients to the surface of the whole of his great body. On the site of the insertion of a large têniaa develop necrosis. In france, appear the segments contain eggs of the worm and its eggs.

the high-cosmopolitan

The high-cosmopolitan

The high-tapeworm (tapeworm) lives in the small intestine and reaches 7 feet in length. The larvae of the bull and the tapeworm infects humans through the consumption of food is not enough, of boiled meat. The larvae are easy to see, in the flesh, as well as the size of about 5 mm in diameter. By entering the person's body, the larvae grow for 3 months.

Multiply that by the different segments, which contain as many as 150 thousand people. the larvae. Those segments in the body of a bull and the tapeworm is about 2 million.

In these threads alone to go out at night to the anus, and spread to the bed. The presence of the worm may lead to the disease, beef tapeworm infection, which manifests symptoms, such as:

  1. The exhaustion of the body.
  2. Disorders of the bowel.
  3. Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
  4. An allergic reaction.

The pork tapeworm

The pork tapeworm can be found in the high, but the size of it's modest 2.5 meters. The number of segments of this parasite, also it is less than about 1 mil. The head of the worm that has a sucker and a proboscis with hooks, which attach to the large intestine.

Contract can be either for raw meat and fat. This parasite leads to diseases, taeniasis and cysticercosis. The symptoms will depend on the number of worms in the body. A large number of parasites can lead to blockage of the gut, which has to be treated only, operating by means of.


It is the causative agent in the hookworm. Habitat, – 12-and the earth, the intestine. The length of the worm is about 14 mm. Fueled by the nutrients that it produces, from the wall of the intestine.

Of the parasite through the blood-vessels enter the liver, lungs, and heart. The infection andнкилостоmOh is manifested by symptoms such as:

  • burping, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, and diarrhea;
  • headache, nausea, dizziness;
  • coughing, shortness of breath, pneumonia, pain in the heart;and
  • fast, fatigue, and chronic fatigue.

Ancilottomoz the cause of complications: hepatitis, ulcer and 12-duodenal gut, a nasty bout of bronchitis, laryngitis, endocarditis. To ensure the diagnosis, it may be, with the help of blood tests, fluoroscopy, x-ray.

In the simplest of organisms

The simplest are so-called due to the fact that they are single-celled. But that does not mean that its presence in the body of a man is not a cause for concern. When these types of pests might occur, not the least serious of the disease, and in other cases as well.


Its danger is related to the fact that you have in your body, in the absence of pathological manifestations. People are infected by these micro-organisms, which eats the cysts, Lambli. This can happen if you swim in open water. Playing them takes place through the division of cells in the medium.

From the stomach, these parasites are released into the entire body along with the blood-beat in a variety of media.

The patient may notice the symptoms of all sorts of diseases, but do not inquire as to the reason for its development. More often than not that the giardiasis causes of the following diseases:

  1. The tourist information office.
  2. A bout of bronchitis.
  3. The bronchial asthma.
  4. The contact dermatitis.
  5. Retrieved.
  6. VI.
  7. Enterocolitis.
  8. Dyskinesia and 12-duodenal gut bile and in the ducts.
  9. Earned.
  10. With the chronic fatigue.

The continued progression of Lamблиozand can cause disorders of the CNS and the circulatory system.

The first signs of the appearance of the worms

The manifestation of the gelmинтozand may vary. The symptoms that occur in people who have a strong infection:

  • The painful sight.
  • The loss of weight.
  • On the pale skin.
  • Itching in the anus.

In the majority of cases, an infestation of worms, it has the similar to symptoms of other diseases, and their treatment does not effectiveness. Depending on the location of the parasites, and the quantities that occur with the development of certain symptoms.

The failure of the functioning of the gastrointestinal system

If the helminths parasitic in the intestine of the human is faced with problems such as the following:

  1. Diarrhea, or constipation.
  2. Nausea, and vomiting.
  3. The pain in the region of the intestine.
  4. In the face.
  5. A loss or gain of weight.

Large worms may obstruct the intestine and cause constipation. Due to the constant selection by product of a person's life, one feels the symptoms of poisoning may occur with nausea, vomiting, and general weakness.


the prevention of worms

It should be kept in mind that none of the worms do not multiply in the human body, and each species has its period of time, after which they die is, for example, that of the worms is only a couple of weeks ago, I have Ascaris for about a year now.

Outstanding adult of the same eggs will, necessarily, have to get out of the body and / or the feces or the skin, near the anus, on the outside, on the ground, and then, and only then, a Mature out of the person's body and enter it again, and they began to intensify and the parasite.

Because of the increase in the body of a man, for not increasing the number of adults in the intestines are already in an hiv-infected person, it is only possible, when you come back, the infection, when the eggs are re-entering the body through the mouth.

For example, a person would be able to get rid of intestinal worms by about 3 to 4 weeks without any treatment. But it's not-so-easy-to-follow these rules for babies, toddlers, and school-age children.